Nature, with its vastness and tranquility, becomes a metaphorical mirror that reflects our inner landscapes, inviting us to confront our emotions, fears, and hopes. It aims to encapsulate the intangible qualities of emotional resilience, serenity, and rejuvenation. As a Fine Art photographer, my work goes beyond the mere representation of landscapes. For me, landscape photography is not just painting the light of nature but more of an escape into another realm. My creative journey is guided by the profound belief in the therapeutic power of nature and its ability to heal the human psyche. It’s like entering into a dimension that’s hidden behind the curtains of sunrises and sunsets. It’s all about delving into the transformative power of nature and its profound influence on Psychological healing.
I heal myself, my mind, my soul by exposing it to the vastness of nature and the incredible solace that I attain by indulging into its mysteries.
Each artwork is a reflection of my personal journey towards healing and self-discovery. Every composition is a carefully crafted invitation for viewers to embark on their own path of inner exploration. By juxtaposing the grandeur of nature with the fragility of the human condition, I seek to evoke a sense of awe and contemplation, enabling viewers to reconnect with their inner selves and find solace in the process.
In addition to my broader exploration of psychological healing through my art, I have embarked on two personal projects: "Freedom to Live" and “UMe”, that hold deep significance to me. "Freedom to Live" is a project that does not provide the definition of freedom but raises a question on how we percieve freedom. Each picture in the series has its unique story and gives a different perspective to the idea of freedom. On the other hand "UMe" is an intimate exploration of the connection between nature and the self. In this series, I’ve used a tree as a symbol to express the emotions and the state of mind when a human soul is in isolation.
Ultimately, I aim to create a body of work that enables you to tap into a transcendental realm and serves as sanctuary for psychological healing.

2020: International Photography Grant holder by Chiiz USA and The House of Camera
2022: Nexus & Now, Degree Show exhibition at the Goldsmiths, University of London, London.
2021: Connected: Lost & Found, An Art exhibition at the Goldsmiths, University of London, London.
2020: Photographs exhibited in International Art Exhibition 3D gallery, Berlin, Germany, curated by ProfBadar Jahan, AMU India.
2020: Co-Curated Photography exhibition ‘P o s t c a r d s to Gandhi ‘A narrative on Climate change and Sustainable energy celebrating the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. JMI|New Delhi.
2019: Photo series “Freedom to Live” exhibited at Modoo Gallery in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
2019: Photos exhibited at Blank Wall Gallery, Athens, Greece.
2019: Photos exhibited on CAA-NRC protest as a part of Safdar Hashmi Memorial, curated by Ram Rehman at Constitution Club of India, New Delhi.
2017: Photos exhibited at zonal NASA for Rubens Trophy, India
2021:Conductedanonlinephotographyworkshopanddeliveredalectureon‘SURREALISM’-PhotoshopandGraphic designing in Photography ‘. In collaboration with TGC-TOTAL GRAPHIC CLASSES, New Delhi, India
2020: Invited for an online photography workshop on ‘CREATE AT HOME - How to create travel images from households’, Organised by The Architect with class.
2019: Conducted a 2-day photography workshop and delivered a lecture on ‘Composing the Frame’ at F/O Architecture & Ekistics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
2020: Shortlisted (Top 5) Historic photographer of the year award 2020 organised by trip historic UK.
2018: Bagged 1st special mention in the National photography competition on the theme ‘Urban Eco- Systems’ held during National Seminar Architecture for Masses, New Delhi, India
2018: Bagged 1st prize in photography competition titled Bagh, Ganj, Sarai held at M.F Hussain Art Gallery, New Delhi in the International Conference on Islamic Art and Architecture (ICIAA).
2015: Awarded 1st Prize at State Level (Delhi) in 'Click-o-mania', organised by NIFT (National Institute of Fashion
Technology), Delhi.
2015: Invited by National Geographic Channel for a seminar on Photography.
2015 – 2018: Convenor Photography Club – F/O Architecture and Ekistics, Jamia Millia Islamia, NewDelhi.
2013: Bagged 1st Prize in the College Photography Event 'Tangelo Town' organised by Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
2020: Print publication in The Week Junior UK magazine. Showcasing of the Historic photographer award 2020 winners. 5th December 2020 issue, Pg. no 16.
2020: Published in Outlook India – Outlook India July 2020 Vol-2-The coronavirus outbreak piles morepressure on India’s biomedical waste disposal system
2020: Published in Outlook Traveler Website.
2019: Published in Outlook India – Single and Photo feature
2019: Photo featured in an AV made by The Quint (media website), supporting a poem by Aamir Aziz India
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