Create At Home.
Stuck at home and itching to photograph landscapes of the world? You can do that sitting at home.
As for most of the Indians, the coronavirus pandemic has forced the landscape and travel photographers to stay indoors and have derailed the plans for travel this year. But I believe creativity comes from within. Utilising ample amount of time at home, I came up with an idea of travelling through flight of imagination. As a result I could use my process of outdoor photography and apply it to something being called the new normal.
I always think how I can channel my creativity to bring up new ideas be it indoors or outdoors. So during the lockdown I came up with an idea of creating outdoor pictures simply by staying at home and using regular household in order to recreate the real travelvisuals. After examining different colours, shapes, textures and by playing with light and shadow I ended up with photographs that replicates the essence of real time landscapes.The result: An epic scene of figurine wandering among the sand dunes in the vast white desert of Kutch.
Dunes created with sugar
Saucy Sunset
Witnessing the sun set on the horizon always makes for surreal photos. To get the feel, I used aluminium foil for water, and a table lamp for the drowning sun for capturing a perfect sail. The most important aspect, other than craft skills and camera technicalities, is to see how realistic you can make it.
By the sea? Or on the couch?
Recreating a picture perfect sunset
Caving Through
There were times when I thought I would never make it to the great ice caves, but eventually this lockdown made it happen. In these photos, I reimagined the other-worldly ice caves by using crumpled paper sheets / blue sheets for caves, and a glittery clutch bag and aluminium foil for the watery effect on the base. I illuminated the caves using lamps and a cellphone torch.
Re-creation of an ice cave
Re-creating a glowing stone cave
I've always wanted to explore India's rock cut caves and got to do so now. With the help of my tiny soldier figurine, I made it safely in and out of these mysterious caves. It was as easy to create these caves at home as it is difficult to actually find and explore them in the real world. I made these caves with crumpled paper and used a cellphone torch to light up the interiors. And my tiny soldier accompanied me all the way in my search.
Re-imagining the interiors of a rock-cut cave
Monochromatic adventure in a cave